Welcome to Cleeve Parish Council Website

Home Page

Cleeve is a village and civil parish in the ceremonial county of Somerset, England.

It is situated within the unitary authority of North Somerset, 9 miles (14km) southwest of Bristol, and has a population of 902 (2011Census).


 District Councillor

Following the by-election in November 2023 we have a new District Councillor.

Cllr Thomas Daw is contactable on 07961 029656 and by email at thomas.daw@n-somerset.gov.uk  

Police Update - Burglary Advice

Our PCSO Nick Gough advises that their main focus at the moment is burglaries. There has been an increase in incidents across North Somerset and additional resources have been drafted in to deal with it.

Residents are being made aware and messages are being put out via social media.

  • Set a timer switch to turn your lights on when it gets dark - unlit houses are a give away that no one is at home.
  • Lock your doors, patios and downstairs windows - even when you are in. Make sure you double lock them again before you go to bed.
  • If you have a burglar alarm, make sure you set it when you go out and also when you go to bed.
  • Don't leave car keys, ID cards or valuables near windows, doors or letterboxes, where burglar scan reach through to steal them.
  • Lock your garden gates and side entrances. Don't leave tools lying around in the garden which could be used to break into your home.

  All About Cleeve Magazine  HERE

 We are pleased to provide a link to the current edition of the magazine. We would remind readers of the magazine that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cleeve Parish Council, its Councillors, or employees.

Bristol Airport Noise Mitigation Scheme

 Bristol Airport have issued new guidelines for their Noise Mitigation Scheme Grants - follow this link:-






Traffic Strategy for Cleeve


30 mph limit through Cleeve

On Monday 8 January 2024 Councillors met with Hannah Young, NSC Executive Lead for Highways and Transport. Following that meeting we are delighted to confirm that NSC have committed to put in place a 30-mph limit for the “centre of the village”. Further work will be necessary to confirm the start and end points and hopefully achieve a longer stretch which was sought following the Traffic Survey in 2022.

This is separate to current amendments as part of the Bus Service Improvement Plan.


Updates will be provided as they become available. 


 Disturbed by noise from Bristol Airport?

                       Here is how to Complain.




From the data over the last few years, the majority of residents use the online portal for reporting noise complaints, with a small minority of residents using the telephone recording line.    After discussions, and to continue being inclusive and providing residents an alternative way of reporting noise complaints for those not wishing to use the internet. From Monday 7thAugust 2023 the telephone line will be removed, and a postal process will be introduced.  


The two ways of logging noise complaints will be:


  • Click on the link via the website and record the complaint using the online noise complaint portal (this remains the same).


  • Or write to: Bristol Airport, Noise Complaints, Lulsgate House, Bristol, BS48 3DW.   Residents will need to provide the same information including name, address, date, time of incident, and relevant information as per the previous noise reporting telephone line. 

All complaints are responded to and recorded, with statistics being publicly reported to the Airport Consultative Committee and within Bristol Airport’s, Annual Monitoring Report.


For more information on aircraft noise frequently asked questions, flight paths to and from the airport,  and other noise related information please visit Noise management policies at Bristol Airport


Can't afford to buy a sim card or mobile data?

You can now access them for free thanks to a new scheme available through North Somerset Libraries. 

The UK National Databank provides free sims and mobile data (as well as talk minutes and texts) to people in need through the Good Things Foundation’s network of local community partners, including North Somerset libraries. It’s like a food bank but for internet connectivity data.

The scheme offers a vital connection for anyone cut off from the basic daily activities most people take for granted such as contacting loved ones, accessing job interviews, finding essential health or other information online, and digitised public services.

Anyone over 18 from a low-income household who qualifies in at least one of the following ways can obtain data vouchers from their local library:

1 Has no access or insufficient access to the internet at home, and/or

2 Has no or insufficient access to the internet when away from home, and/or

3 Can’t afford their existing monthly contract or top-up.

If you need a SIM card or mobile data voucher, contact your local library to make an appointment to collect it.



01934 426 834.

Read the story in full https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/news/free-sim-cards-mobile-data-north-somerset-libraries

#DigitalInclusion #NationalDataban

Air Quality Monitoring

 After a full year of monitoring by both ourselves and North Somerset Council the results have been considered and NSC advise that the results across the sites show that concentrations of NO2 recorded are below the annual air quality objective of 40ug/m3 and there fore no further action is necessary. We will review in 3/5 years or sooner of any conditions change. We do, however, now have a base for future review.

  Fraud and Scams

 There is a huge increase in frauds and scams and there is a useful guide recommended by     Avon & Somerset Police which is available here


Taking exercise in the countryside

Cleeve Parish Council is pleased that residents from neighbouring communities want to share the beautiful countryside for their exercise in uncertain times. We have been using some of our income contributed to by local residents through council tax to gradually replace stiles with pedestrian gates so all abilities can use our parish paths.

In our parish, many residents work in towns but there are a sizeable number of businesses based in the village. Almost all the undeveloped land is used for farming including stables and forestry and is used to provide an income for the owners.

Although there is a network of footpaths and bridleways most of the land surrounding them is privately owned. Most GPS maps on mobile phones do not differentiate between public and private paths or bridleways so if in doubt ie: it is not marked as a public right of way, please check before using it.

Not only that but farmyards, stable yards, and forestry sites are potentially dangerous, damage to crops including grass or to animals such as sheep worrying are distressing for the owners whose income is directly affected.

While we all appreciate how being in the countryside improves well-being we should also remember to protect the environment both plants and animals including birds.

If we all follow the Countryside Code we can all enjoy our exercise.

Countryside Code can be found HERE

Dog fouling

Once again dog fouling seems to have become an issue. Please, if you are walking your dog, pick up after them and dispose of their waste in the correct way. We have lots of dog bins around the village which are all emptied weekly.

There have been reports of dog waste being thrown in hedges along the footpath by the Millennium Garden.

To report an incident of dog fouling please use the following link.


Thank you to those of you who continue to keep Cleeve a clean village.


Please could all landowners ensure they are taking responsibility for their hedgerows.

If your hedges overhang a footpath, pavement, or highway, we would like to ask that they be cut back to allow safe use of the highways and walkways.

Please also ensure any waste is cleared away.